Cruelty of Fate

Cruelty of Fate

By Sehrish Ismail


Once upon a time, there lived an innocent orphan girl named Fatima with her uncle in his home in a backward village. Her mother had died while giving birth to her, and her father had abandoned her, labelling her as sinister because he believed she was the cause of his wife’s death. In reality, it was not Fatima’s fault; it was the hand of fate that had dealt her a cruel blow. Though her uncle was a kind-hearted man, her aunt and cousins were ruthless. They consistently mistreated her and unjustly blamed her for every problem. Despite the adversities, Fatima always displayed remarkable patience.

One fateful day, a wonderful marriage proposal came for the innocent Fatima. However, her aunt and cousins erupted in fury. Her aunt told Fatima, “This proposal is meant for my daughter, not you because you are an orphan and merely a burden on everyone.” Fatima’s heart sank, and she silently retreated to her room, overwhelmed with grief. Yet, her aunt and cousins did not cease their cruelty. Her aunt devised a scheme to expel Fatima from the house.

She accused Fatima of stealing precious jewellery and orchestrated a plan to convince her husband of this falsehood. That evening, when her husband returned home, her aunt lodged a complaint about the theft. After a lengthy debate, he succumbed to his wife’s words and deemed Fatima a jewellery thief. When Fatima realized that even her uncle had turned against her, she felt utterly demoralized. Her aunt ordered her to leave the house, and her uncle remained silent.

Helpless and despondent, as Fatima walked along the road, she came across a deep ditch. She approached it, stared into its depths momentarily, and decided to end her life by jumping in. The weight of her aunt and uncle’s baseless accusations had become unbearable. She leaped from the road’s bridge into the abyss, ending her life. In her final moments, her last words were, “Why did you treat me so cruelly?” It was the voice of her inner orphan, questioning.

Perhaps she was addressing her father, who had abandoned her based on false beliefs. Perhaps she was questioning her uncle’s family and her own fate, for the harsh treatment she had endured led her to this tragic end.

Now, as the writer, I pose a question: Does an orphan not deserve a decent life in our society? She had every right to the fundamental rights Islam and humanity offer. My advice to everyone is to be compassionate toward orphans. I especially implore our society to show patience and respect to these vulnerable individuals, providing them with the nurturing environment they deserve.

The Saying of the Rasool (SAW):
Abu Hurairah (RA) reported Allah’s Messenger (SAW) as saying, “The best house among the Muslims is one where an orphan is well treated, and the worst house among the Muslims is one where an orphan is badly treated.” Source: Sunan Ibn-e-Maja, Hadith #3679.

Moreover, according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 1 states: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Editor’s Note For Little Red Riding Hood

This story was submitted by Sehrish Ismail, a student of Tareen Education Foundation’s core school. We have made certain revisions in accordance with the rules and regulations of writing to enhance the story’s coherence and flow.

If you want to see the source material, Click Here.

Sehrish Ismail

Sehrish Ismail

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