Do Our Schools prepare students for the real world?

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Do Our Schools prepare students for the real world.

by Jaweria Noor

The primary purpose of a school is to impart education, which means making students knowledgeable, skilled, and proficient. Schools prepare students to become successful individuals in this world, with the intention of preparing them for the challenges of the real world. However, in Pakistan nowadays, it would be incorrect to claim that our schools are effectively preparing students for the real world. In reality, this is an age of intense competition, where everyone is striving day and night to succeed, often resorting to any means necessary to achieve their goals, even if it means neglecting moral values or, at times, resorting to criminal activities. When moral standards erode, crime becomes prevalent in society.

In this modern era, time is moving rapidly, and teachers have limited time to instil moral values in their students. They primarily focus on delivering the curriculum and often prioritize rote memorization. Their main objective is to prepare students to excel in exams, and they emphasize careers like becoming doctors, engineers, or pilots, rather than teaching them to strive for becoming ideal individuals. Consequently, students focus solely on achieving their goals, often disregarding whether their actions are morally right or wrong. They may acknowledge that corruption is undesirable in theory, but in their pursuit of success, they may engage in corrupt practices, sometimes even infringing upon the rights of others. It is undeniable that many of today’s students in Pakistan are spiritually detached and self-centred.

Once they achieve their goals, they tend to consider themselves superior to others and may even mistreat those in lower social classes. Their primary concern is achieving their objectives, often at the expense of understanding their responsibilities. This results in the emergence of unjust, corrupt, and ruthless individuals, particularly among police officers, who are responsible for enforcing the law. However, it is important to note that this characterization applies to the majority of people in Pakistan.

Therefore, a student lacking a strong moral foundation and proper manners is akin to a barren land, and education without ethical values is akin to a dry fountain.

Editor’s Note

This story was submitted by Jaweria Noor, a student of Tareen Education Foundation’s core school. We have made certain revisions in accordance with the rules and regulations of writing to enhance the story’s coherence and flow.

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Javeria Noor

Javeria Noor

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