Essential Rights for Young Girls

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Everyone has the right to have a good life. Every person tries to get their rights. Good rights include religious, social, cultural, and speaking freedom to exercise their rights. If we get it, then he could live a successful life. Alhamdulillah, as Muslims, we have freedom over everything, such as Namaz, Quran, Qalma, Roza, Zakat, and Hajj. We are independent in every matter. Islam gives us our right to every freedom. But in our present age, especially in backward areas, any person. He cannot get his rights, especially as a girl. Girls cannot get their rights as they should.
I belong to the middle class, but, alhamdulillah, I am getting all the rights that are written in my fate. I am getting an education. I have built my confidence. I can fight for my rights. I know well what is good or bad compared to the girls sitting to their right. In our society, it is a considerable issue that girls are forced to stay at home. Some people think that if their girls become educated, they will change to modernism and become disobedient. But it is not good thinking. They cannot provide an opportunity for education. They cannot get an education, have good manners, or fulfill their wishes. They are in a closed enclosure at their home. They do not speak up for their rights. As before, I stayed at home for three years.
During that time, I always fought for my rights. So, alhamdulillah, I have it. I remember my teacher’s advice that if you want to become successful, you must speak for your rights. Therefore, I suggest those sitting at home, deprived or dependent on their parents, speak for their rights. Because silence is not the answer to every question, they should get an education and understand what is good or bad and what is benefit or loss. So, I want to convey my message to those facing these hurdles. Inaugurate yourself for your rights. Because these are yours, and if you remain mom right now, you will never get change. We should become independent. By becoming independent, we can lend a helping hand to our parents, our family, and our future generations.

Editor’s Note: This story was submitted by Ansar Ilyas, a student of Amina Girls Higher Secondary School – AGS. We have made certain revisions in accordance with the rules and regulations of writing to enhance the story’s coherence and flow.