Luckiest turn in Hira’s Life

Luckiest turn in Hira’s Life

By, Kiran Shehzadi

The luckiest turn means having or bringing good fortune. Sometimes, due to our luckiest turns, we become successful in our lives and get desired positions. It is said that a long time ago, a girl whose name was Hira lived in a small town with her mother and younger sister. Her father died in childhood. So she was very poor, even though she could not get a higher education.
Her mother started to do work at other people’s homes. He took care of her sister and did the chores; she knew the condition of her mother, so that’s why she always helped her mother. Hira believed that one day Allah Almighty would give her a high position because she knew that “disappointment is a sin.” When she told this to her friends and folk, they made jokes about her and said that she couldn’t make progress except by doing work at other homes, just like her mother.
But Hira always prays for this and her mother too. After a few days, her mother falls ill with a dangerous disease. Now she was unable to do more work for the treatment of her mother. Hira needs money, so that’s why she started to work in place of her mother. The folk laughed at her and said that it was impossible for you, poor girl, to get a high position.
Hira responds to them in this way: “Nothing is impossible in this world. The word itself says that I’m possible.” At her master’s party, she cooks fried fish. She has great taste in her hands. Soon, the aroma spread all over. All the guests liked this dish very much. Luckily, there was an owner of a restaurant. He asked who made this. I never ate such a yummy fish.
Hira said that I made this. She was an expert in this because whenever they had no vegetables in their home, she caught fish and made them. The owner of the restaurant asked, would you like to become a chef in my restaurant? She accepts this; soon she will become famous due to fishing, and she will open her own restaurant.
Soon the branches of her restaurant spread throughout the country. She helped the poor, especially girls, with school. This story teaches us that we should always trust in Allah. And we can get all these things through our parents’ prayers and believing in Allah. Hira got success due to her mother’s prayers because she always prays for her and also by believing in Allah.

Editor’s Note: This story was submitted by Kiran Shahzadi, a student of Amina Girls Higher Secondary School – AGS. We have made certain revisions in accordance with the rules and regulations of writing to enhance the story’s coherence and flow.
Kiran Shahzadi

Kiran Shahzadi

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