Never Lose Heart

Never Lose Heart


Saima was my childhood friend. We played and studied together. All this time, she was my best friend when I passed the intermediate exam. After that, I married and moved to Saudi Arabia with my husband. I have not heard about Saima for a long time. I used to worry whenever I remembered him. After ten years, when I returned home, one day when I passed by my school near our village, I remembered my school time and classmates. Then I remembered my best friend, Saima. I was apprehensive about Saima and wondered whether she would continue her studies or marry like me. A few months later, I was happy to hear from a friend that Saima had also pursued further education and married. She is also serving as an MBBS doctor in a hospital in Multan. But I was worried because we did not meet. One day, I was not feeling well; I felt pain in my hands and feet.

My husband took me to a hospital in Multan, where Saima was serving as a doctor. Fortunately, a lady doctor came to my bed during the treatment and started my check-up. I was pleased to see that the doctor was none other than my best friend Saima, and she also recognized me. But I was surprised to know that she was in a wheelchair. Both his legs did not work. Then she sat down with me and started checking up with keen interest. After some time, she sat next to me after checking all the patients in the ward. We remembered our childhood and school time.

He told me the story of his road accident. She lost both her legs in the accident. After the accident, he was admitted to the hospital for treatment of his legs. But she is a brave girl. She did not give up and continued her medical studies until she became a doctor and got a job in a government hospital, which was no less than an achievement for her.
He topped his university and got the gold medal.

She was posted as a doctor in the hospital. She was living a happy, everyday life. A man’s destiny is in his own hands. We should work hard, perform our duties with dedication, and strive for success in life. Today, I am asthmatic. He gave me medicines like inhaler and other medical treatments. Now she was not only my best friend. She is also my doctor. There are moments in life when we feel pretty hopeless. We think we are entirely disappointed.

I have noticed that in this situation, she was my friend who guided me. All these times, she was with me like an angel. Hopelessness is against our dignity. We face failure in many ways. Indeed, Allah will bless us with success one day. She informed my husband about my health and guided me about my daily routine of taking medicines. After a few days of treatment, we returned home. After a long time, I feel good in my soul when I think of Saima.

Editor’s Note

This story was submitted by Ayesha Nadeem, a student of Gov gilrs High school Wahi Ali Arain Lodhran. We have made certain revisions in accordance with the rules and regulations of writing to enhance the story’s coherence and flow.