The thing which I lost

The Thing which I Lost


Every person wants to live a nice life. He wants to get the same happiness, the same lifestyle, and the same comfort as he sees in his environment. He tries to make his character like them. He works hard for his happiness and also for peace and comfort. If he works hard, then he can get it. He thinks that he should have everything and that there is no need to ask anything else from anybody. He can get it if he keeps it up. He can achieve all his desires with hard work and effort. If he lets something happen, he will repent for his whole life. We repent when we lose something in our lives, which is the most important thing in our lives. If we are working hard to get something, after this, we cannot achieve it. If we wish for something and never get it, then we repent. I have also lost a great thing in my life, which is time—three years. It has a very long duration. It was 2020 when I passed my intermediate, and after this, I remained free for three years. I have lost important and precious time.
I had lost my vocabulary, method of study, and even my most important time. So, at this time, I had nothing to do, and I remained free. I had no opportunity to go abroad, and my parents also did not allow me to go far. But I am more interested in studying. In the future, I want to be a good teacher. So, I remain constant in my aim. I like to study because it will brighten my future more than the moon and stars. A person’s grade is determined by his or her knowledge. I want to get my past back and change it into a brilliant time. I engaged my parents in my study.
Now my parents allowed me for study. Alhamdulillah, Allah accept and I have gained my purpose!

Editor’s Note: This story was submitted by Ansar Ilyas, a student of Amina Girls Higher Secondary School – AGS. We have made certain revisions in accordance with the rules and regulations of writing to enhance the story’s coherence and flow.