Things i learned in lockdown.

Things I learned in lockdown


Many nations imposed a lockdown for different periods to curb the spread of COVID-19. Pakistan was under a strict lockdown for 70 days, which is more than two months, followed by unlocking in a phased manner. The lockdown period has passed for everyone with the same bitter-and-sweet experiences. During the lockdown, everything changed in moments. We had to pass from situations that never happened before. Initially, everything was upsetting: no outings, only indoors.

Moreover, the news of the virus spreading considerably left us with total depression. Slowly and gradually, everything started appearing excellent and enjoyable. Some of the critical lessons we got from the entire lockdown. During the lockdown, I learned about online classes. We never knew about online courses earlier, but during the lockdown, I learned how to attend online classes. In lockdown, we got our classes and continued our studies during the lockdown.

On the other hand, I learned how to develop a garden during the lockdown. As I love gardening. And therefore, I planted a few trees in the back of my house. This has now turned into a small garden. I feel happy. During lockdown, I also learned the importance of family in our life. I was thrilled that I had much time to spend with my family. I got old information from my grandfather and grandmother. I also enjoy much of my time with them. During the lockdown, I also learned about cooking.

I learned to cook several receipts. During the lockdown, there was a financial crisis, and everything was quickly unavailable. It taught me to manage our lives during difficult situations. The lockdown was born in my life. It made me realize that we need to recognize the same. Lockdown holidays provided me the chance to learn several new things. These activities made my lockdown to be an exciting phase of my life.

Written By: Sonia Khan

Lockdown refers to when people must stay at home and limit their activities outside to prevent the spread of disease or during a crisis. It’s a way to ensure public safety and protect the community. Well, we also face lockdown due to covid-19. This lockdown is literally for our protection and security. During lockdown, we may feel various emotions, such as boredom, anxiety, loneliness and frustration. Finding ways to stay positive and take care of our mental well-being is essential.

During lockdown, I learned to appreciate little things and enjoy simple pleasures. Like spending time with loved ones, I was finding new hobbies and caring for my mental health. I tried my hand at art and writing and started writing. It was a great way to explore my creativity. So, I also care for my mental health by practicing self-care activities like meditation, journaling, and spending time with nature. It helps me relax and rejuvenate. These are the things I learned in lockdown.

Written By: Zahra Batool

All of a sudden, COVID-19 comes into our lives. It was an unexpected stock, and then the lockdown due to COVID-19 was unbelievable initially; it was tough to digest. It was like jail for everyone because we all have the right to freedom. Every day, the world got afraid due to COVID-19 and then really frightened because of the lockdown.

The lockdown was a new act that happened in the past but not in the whole world and never for an extended period—the years of lockdown passed like centuries. Still, lockdown teaches us many things—mainly the value of relationships. In lockdown, we all were banned inside the boundaries of our houses; we were not allowed to go out and not to meet anyone. It teaches us how to respect relationships. The usage of water because water is a vital part of our life—the value of vegetables, fruits, and beans. We faced a daily shortage of everything we needed during the thing we had in plenty after lockdown. We got limited to all things. We learned how to value time and work from home. Lockdown in itself was a big lesson for humanity to love everything.

Written By: Dua Gillani 

During lockdown, I have learned many things. During the lockdown, most people faced many difficulties. It disturbed their lives. But, it gave the benefit on the other side. Lockdown disturbs the daily routine of a person. It also concerns the business and factories on an international level. But it gave us some benefits. Extravagant people. They become careful about spending money during the lockdown. During the lockdown, every person became cautious about spending money because, during this period, everything was banned.

Even the people were not allowed to come outside. They just remained in their homes. Even the marriage functions were stopped during the lockdown. People invite close relatives to the marriage during the lockdown. In this way, they escaped from the loss of a handsome amount. During the lockdown, I also became careful about spending the money. During the lockdown, some people started the online business. It was a good thing for the people; they earned the money to fulfil their needs by sitting in their homes. In this way, they save time and feel no burden of work.

The lockdown taught the people how to live their lives with minimum resources. It created a sense of sympathy for those people who are unable to fulfil their basic needs. They are inferior. Even they did not have the meal of one time. People created a strong relationship with Allah during the lockdown, such as when the coronavirus pandemic spread in Pakistan and everything was under lockdown. Mostly, people fell their heads in front of Allah. They created their relationship with Allah in this way.

Written By: Muqadas Bilal